Sunday, February 1, 2009

superbowl sunday and stuff

so, who else is watching the Superbowl??

we are all being kinda homeyish (not a word i know) today and it is ending nicely. watching the game, eating chips and popcorn shrimp, rice and sausage and cooked carrots for dinner.
camille's basketball team lost their first game today. bummer. but its ok, it'll encourage them to push themselves in next sundays game.

last week we had a snow storm and the kids were off of school anyway, so they got some snow play in. no pictures though i was kinda too lazy. they only went to school monday and friday last week, so it was a busy at home -and stuck at home-kind of time for us.
this is hopefully the last week with izzys cast. she has a big dance recital on thursday night. we thought she got her cast off the day before, but no--its the day after. so...dang it, we'll have to see if we say just do the show with one arm. shes worked so hard. they will be having a spring class so she could do the class again with both arms, and do the next recital. hmm....

i am still looking for a job. no luck so far. i hope soon. at first it was just to keep me busy, but as expensive as maryland its turning into a priority that i get some kind of income. i am sad to say that my hobby of cards is not making me any money. nothing that would help. and because of this, there is a very strong possibility that i will be quiting stampin up for good. it is just not the most cost effective way for me to keep going. i use to get enough orders here and there, and well now not so much.

my thoughts on this have gone both ways. i have been sad knowing things will change for me. but at the same time, i am gearing myself up to open up my own etsy shop. i have wanted to for a long time. it is a online store so to speak where you can sell your own handmade art. ive had my own shop already made for a long time, just haven't jumped into putting any stuff into it. it is my goal to make that happen. and very soon.
i think focusing on that will be a good thing for me. i can use all the loads of products i have from various companies and not feel limited to only using stampin up!. it will all work out. i have faith.

i also have good health news. i was really having some issues that were making me wonky. well after a few weeks worth of doctor visits and results coming in. i am perfectly fine. only thing that changed is i need a new eyeglass prescription. i'd say that is pretty darn good news.
so all the hair falling out, yellow eyes, 15 pounds of extra weight, depression, anxiety, hormonal issues---well, it turns out all of that is just plain ol ME. along with some environmental issues that i just didn't know how to deal with.
the new plan is to breathe, and feel better each day. to try to focus on doing things around the house, eat better, let go of some things that cause me anxiety, pray more....pray a lot more....

i must focus on getting into a routine, check things off my list, create things for my esty shop, find and apply for more part time jobs until someone calls me back--anyone out there need a girl like me from about 830am til 230pm???? give me a call. just kidding. but the job search will continue. it must. alex is relying on me to help with our income now, and as stressful as this has become, i want to as well. i bet lots of my "issues" would go away if i had something good and positive to do with my time each day. a way to help others, grow in my experiences, share my time and talents.

i am praying God can help me with all this as well. He usually does, half the time when i don't even realize it. sometimes I'm slow to His ways. but i eventually get it.

my pictures today are some cards Ive been working on. along with some Valentine stuff that i did a few weeks ago and couldn't find my camera card so i never showed them here.
so, anyway, enjoy my goodies, and send a hug through the net for me, i could use it.

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