Monday, November 2, 2009

day 2...

yes, only the 2nd of November and already we spent it at the Dr's office. Isabelle went to bed last night with a horrible throbbing pain in her ear. cried and cried, and finally fell asleep only to wake up to more pain. So off we went to see what was going on. A sinus infection, and an ear infection. Izzy is a big girl now--11 & in middle school, so she got a huge bottle of capsules to take. poor sweetie, it was so hard to figure out how to swallow them. after several mini nightmare meltdowns...she got two down....two more tonight and same for the next 10 days....i told her by tomorrow night she'll have the whole swallowing pills thing down perfect. she is resting right now...and will be back to her bouncy self soon enough.
my kids like to mix things up or make things interesting. we don't do ordinary or normal around here. :)

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Camille turns 13 today

Happy Birthday to my wonderful girl Camille. The first teenager in our house. WOW. what a huge day in her life.
We have been hung over from last nights trick or treating...not from booze, from all the candy and walking and anticipation of dark arriving...we stayed up eating as much candy as we could until everyone went to bed with a bellyache. :)
the time change has once again thrown us all off....and so we have had a nice slow day to celebrate our girl. I made banana muffins for breakfast and spice cupcakes for us to toast her new year!!
She used her babysitting money to purchase some new UGGS for her bday. I paid shipping. :)
I got her a new twilight and new moon board game...which we will maybe play Twilight tonight, if she gets her homework project finished in time.
daddy is not here to celebrate...maybe next week. She got some perfume and sweater from her favorite store Aeropostale and she is a happy camper. Her meema is coming to visit this week so that will be special as well.
time for dinner (burritos) and pumpkin pie (as if we haven't had enough junk the past few days) time and bed time....Monday morning is almost here.