Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day

what a lovely happy sweet lil ol day.
so far, camille had basket ball practice, we went to the library, cleaned up (some) around the house, played with henry, finished up valentines to give to kids and alex later tonight...and the girls and i are hanging out now, while the boys are off at a wrestling match.
i hope logan gets a win. he hasn't been doing so hot. he has a good attitude about his loses. and he usually goes to practice and matches willingly. not today however. he was not feeling so good today and so he pulled a nasty tantrum about going earlier. it was ugly, alex carried him out to the truck, kicking and screaming. i had to laugh when logan started punching alex...i mean, the kid throws some narley fits, but never has he hit someone. its just not in him. so i was surprised and it cracked me up. wrong of me probably, but youd have to know how sweet logan is to appreciate it. and how alex and i have been having conversations about how hes just not that tough guy we sometimes wish he'd be. like when it comes time to win wrestling matches. he dosnt like grabbing boys or throwing them down, tackling whatever those moves are called. he tries, but you can tell..its not him. which is too bad, cause my lil boy is just a pound or 2 shy of 90 pounds and thats pretty big for a 3rd grader. he thinks hes skinny and little in his mind....but no, hes a big husky sweet boy. and i sure love him. and thank goodness i have a 6'4" 250 pound honeyman husband who can pick up a 90 pound eight year old like it snothing and toss him into the truck...cause ive had my days of dealing with the tantrums and im afraid that im pretty much matched by the kids now. they are all just about as big as me..or nearly as happy a big strong daddy was here to take care of things. i love both those guys. my guys--who just happen to look alike bigtime ...and share the same ability to throw a narley fit. :)

oh- yes i love my girlies too. they are upstairs playing a game together..right this minute. and guess what? no fighting yet. but i shouldnt talk about that, or else i'll spoil it and a cat attack wil follow. my girls are not like logan--they have been known to throw a punch or two. and as much as id like to say it came from elsewhere...i have a tiny suspiscion it came from their mama. a girls gotta hold her own--thats all im sayin.
anyways my sweet girls are growing and changing every day right before my eyes. its amazing that God gave me such children to love. i really am thankful for them. they push every nerve and twist every ounce of patience out of me...but i guess i wouldnt want it any other way, ya know? i like days that remind me to feel the fullness of my life, the blessings i have in my day, the love in my heart because of them. isn't that the point of such days.
so--speaking of love and valentines day--alex hates this day. he says he hates the commercialism of it all. and he hates to see the all the hoopla about it...what a dumb day--so he says. I think he just uses that attitude as an excuse for when he forgets each year to get my a valentine. if only hed ever realize id love a lil note from him, or a bunch of yellow daisies-which are my favorite--not expensive roses. its ok though we all have our ways of showing our love, and after 15 years of knowing this man, i most certainly know and adore his. but id still welcome those daisies...
i rather like valentines day. having a husband who doesnt care, doesnt really allow me to enjoy it on the receiving end, but i always like to bake sweet treats and give the heart shaped boxes and something tiny for my loved ones. my dad use to always give us candy boxes on valentines, and growing up without a whole lot--well i really loved those days. i felt special and loved getting my heart box of chocolates. just loved it. and so i like to do it for my family too. i like to take candies and package them up lovingly for them to tear into and make them crazy as they romp around the house happily. yeah--i just love it. it works for me. the kids usually run up and cut me out a heart card real quick cause theyve really forgotten again and thats fine. i get a cute lil love message and it makes my heart full and happy to give this day each year. thats what counts.

happy heart day everyone.

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