Wednesday, January 7, 2009

a week into 2009

everyone is back to school and work and life is in a good place.

things around the house are beginning to feel better. i am slowly--very slowly getting rooms clean, keeping up on the never ending laundry--making an actual to do today list and DOING those tasks. is amazing what i can do once i actually get up and do them.

on a personal note**ive pretty much decided to let go of some things that have been really making me feel crappy and try my hardest to move forward. hard to do. its like i like being sucked into a fog or something. i guess in a way, ive been letting some things cripple me. not feeling able to see the positive and thats just so lame. i see the good part of doing that for awhile. perspective, truth lessons, etc. but when its enough, its enough. i know i am being kinda vague, its like airing your dirty laundry without actually putting it outside. :)

after months of stumbling around here, letting myself sink into a big chaotic emotional funk... i just feel ready to go-to try-to step forward-to start....all those things. and its about damn time. seriously. its nice that this is coinciding with the start of a new year. back to my fresh start feelings, and new life stories.

time to grow and make some goals of my own and take little steps to work at them. could be exciting really, if i wasn't so dingdang scared to start new things. but, this fear will never go away if i dont do something about it, right? yeah, i finally see that. well honestly, ive seen it in the past, but wasn't ready to do anything about it. im in a weird spot. being a stay at home mom to kids who are in school all day. no one to care for during the day. what do i do with myself? getting an actual part time job is becoming something of a challenge. i still need to be home on sick days, before the kids leave for school and return. so my options are limited as far as time goes. and then there is the story of my skills--or lack of. all of those things are swirling around in my head...mixed with my fears of moving forward, stepping out of my comfort zone. well you get the picture.

i am working on it, and that is a good thing.

i am also going to be opening a little online crafty shop pretty soon. where i will place the things i have made for sale to whenever you may be in the need for a small handmade gift, you can pop onto my site and see if anything of interest is there for you....made by little ol' me.

something i am overly excited about and adding to my list of small personal goals.

and cause i love to add photos in my posts..ill leave you with a pic of me and the gang on a recent trip to DC. it is pretty exciting to be around here right now. esp, with all the hubbub of a new President and all. lots of new possibilities for everyone.

*oops photos automatically go to the top--how do i insert them where i want them????


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you are gearing up for a great new year. Glad you are feeling better and working things out in your mind. I am right there with ya on that!

Love the idea of an online shop of your goodies! I love etsy and all the handmade goodies and it sounds similar to that. What a great goal to strive for this year! You are very talented and the thought of being able to buy one of your handmades is exciting!
