Friday, June 6, 2008

Praise God for...His goodness...


and by that I mean my husband...
Alex arrived home--tired, a bit sick, jet-lagged, stronger and bigger (is that even possible :) ) than when he left--but HOME!
And the hell that has been my life the past 15months has sweetly ended a month or two early.
I almost can't believe he is here. No more worrying for today if he will come home alive. No more panic attacks in the middle of the more lonely sad suck it up and be brave days for a long time. Well, at least for awhile. And that's what I need right now. to treasure these next moments my family is intended to be.

Alex just brings so much happiness to our hearts; to our home. he takes control of things easily, brings order and joy and fun to the kids, and simply adores me...and I've missed that so terribly much.

Adjustments are surely to come, but I don't care. I can handle anything with him at my side. Nothing else matters when you welcome your soldier home. nothing else ...compares to the love, and joy, and thankfulness you feel when you see his smiling face again. when you see your sweet babies overwhelmed with happiness to be in his trail at his feet, and not have him leave their sides...just to be in his presence wake up and find him in our home, to hear his voice, to know that he is safe....there are so many words that I can think of; but none that really truly explain how it all feels. the insane emotions...

my heart feels whole again.
Thank you Lord for making this all possible.


(pictures to follow)


Anonymous said...

You dont know me...i am Kristy's Sister-in-law. i clicked on your blog via her side bar several months back and have randomly checked in on you (more so since my husband left). there is some weird comfort in reading the words of another that is going through the same thing as you, even in their most sorrowful days, but you have given me a lot of strength! Congratulations on your husband being home, it brings tears to my eyes to even think of the excitment! i am anxiously counting down that day (its still a long ways away) but i know it WILL eventually get here. God bless you and your family! Enjoy being whole again and treasure every moment!!! :) kellie

Anonymous said...

Hi Sherry!

I am thrilled to see that Alex made it home to you and the kids, safe and sound! Just being together as a family again and being able to touch each other must be priceless. I know he is the love of your life and the best Daddy your kids could ever glad he is HOME!

I would have posted earlier, but my computer would freeze-up on your page everytime. Not sure why and it is not doing it now so I am taking advantage of posting while I can!
