Friday, December 11, 2009

so behind

gosh. it's already december 11, and i am kinda sorta behind in everything i would like to do. the handmade gifts are made....only in my mind. i must work on them. soon. i don't want to be giving my kids handmade gifts after christmas....again. i have a few bought gifts for each child, and so that is finished and well. this christmas is going to be relatively small; as far as gifts go. we have been spending time together so that is a plus, but some of it feels rushed and hectic...tis the season, i guess that's how it goes.
whats left to do?? switch out the tree lights that blew out. :(
somehow convince henry to stop chewing on the tree...the bottom is looking pretty bare now. silly puppy. gets camille's main gift. find izzy some cool boots--she is rough on her shoes and her boots are missing the toe material, so its time for new ones. i figure it will be a nice useful gift.
get my sewing machine to quit jamming so i can finish my handmade gifts and figure out a plan for cookie gifts for our neighbors and friends- if i can get myself a little more organized.
The holiday show i did at a neighbors house turned out fantastic. i made more than enough money for christmas gifts, met lots of really nice ladies and got my business name out around town. it was perfect. i am so appreciative and grateful to the ladies who thought of me and invited me to attend. a wonderful experience.

ok. time for errands and lego club. :) lots to do.

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