Saturday, December 19, 2009

snow storm

MD severe weather alert.
winter storm warnings.
blizzard storm warnings.
WOW. what a weekend before Christmas.
yesterday i was going to finish those one more (last minute) things i talked about previously. well no, nothing got finished. everyone around town was crazy. every store was overloaded with people, lines were insane, traffice filled every corner. it took hours to do one thing. we are having a huge snow storm--so everyone in the world was out yesterday buying last minute gifts, and stocking up on all the toilet paper and bread in every store. crazy!! i dropped izzy off at a sleepover party before the snow hit, so now i just have to make sure i can get her back home before everything is too crazy. :) well, as long as alex is home, i am sure he can get her home safely.

we are fine. we have enough food and water and candles and milk and bread and things to do to last us for days. it's kinda exciting really. i just hope that nothing crazy happens, no power outages, accidents etc. maybe we'll just have a nice weekend building snowmen all over the yard.
i'll keep you posted. once daylight breaks and the kids are up and about--i'll try to come back and show some photos. the yard already looks beautiful in its fluffy blanket of snow. i love the snow really, when i can stay warm inside and see it's beauty through my window. or stand out in it bundled up a few minutes watching the kids so happy. it's pretty neat stuff really.

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