Wednesday, April 14, 2010

am i ready?

(picture of my 3 racing towards the bay)
how do i know if i am ready to be a working mother? are my children ready? is our lifestyle ready? this is what is consuming my brain each day. stressing me out. is this good stress, or bad stress. is it just the jitters of something new? or is it a sign to beware??
i consider myself a good mother. i care deeply for my three, i sacrifice for them, i love them, nurture them, try to teach them, lessen life's struggles for them when i can. encourage them, kiss their boo boos. listen to their stories, cheer them on, tuck them in each and every night, have faith in their amazing abilities, cry inside and often real tears when they are hurting and occasionally freak out at them when they have pushed me over the edge. I have lived already 14 years of my life to the keeping and care and utter devotion of these three wonderful people.
it would benefit us all greatly if i had a job, and an opportunity may be coming up--but so is summer--the carefree days of summer where they need my guidance and love and hovering even more....
what's a mother to do?
penny pinch a little longer...make and sell as many cards as her little chubby fingers can create??? with a military husband gone a lot, we already sacrifice one parents time so much. i don't know if we are ready.
any advise for this struggling mama? anybody?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Go with your heart. Whatever you feel the most strongly about whether staying home longer or pursuing a new career. I am a stay at home mom like you and I never really want to have a career. It isn't what I want to do right now, but I know that could change as my kids needs change.

Just be happy in whatever you choose!