so here's a bit of our fun summer stuff. wanting to get on here for awhile now and just say anything....it's kinda hard when its summer and my job consists of keeping everyone busy.
it seems that no matter what they all seem to be in my face on a consistent basis, waiting for me to somehow entertain them. good grief...enough already--go play!!!
here are some photos of us all in DC...exploring with the kids cousin Bryan. DC is huge and busy and it was amazing seeing all the buildings of importance for our country. the sad part was its about 99degrees, so all of us are just about dying as we walk around trying to site see--it kinda pooped us out before we saw much of anything. it is definitely something that is an ongoing thing--we will be back for more, for sure. there is a really nice place here by our house called Kinder Farm. Its got a huge playground, and acres of trails to walk or bike ride through, and it has a real farm of animals to check out and visit with. our favorite part is that it is free to active military vs the 5$ a car fee for everyone else. Cool place. Once the heat cools off, i can see us going there A LOT!!
Alex is back in WA for a bit, finishing out his command, so we are here finishing out our summer. We found the local library yesterday..it was nice; but way smaller than the Lacey library we were so use to. its ok though, its all about adjustments when you move.
Camille and I had an appointment with her 6th grade guidance counselor yesterday. Ok, that was scary--for me. I dunno, I want my baby girl to get bigger and experience life, but i want her to stay tiny and sweet and innocent as well. she got to choose some classes called encores, and then was placed in advanced language and math to prep her for high school credits later. :) it really is all exciting. the day before that, i got Izzy and logan registered for their school...it seems like a fun place. we discovered ALL the teachers with the exception of the PE teacher--are all women. Kinda funny. so far we just met one of the office ladies, but she was pretty nice and welcoming. Right before school starts we have a new student orientations, so that should help us all get the feel of things soon.
lets see---creative stuff for me...nothing right now. I haven't had much time to myself at all. the kids are staying up way to late with bryan for me to have any alone time to create. im hoping that will change soon. I am expecting a box of SU! goodies today....and the newest fall 08/catalog should be right behind the box. Im so excited to see it, its like all i can think about.....im stalking the mailbox and nothing yet. :)
of course i still have boxes to unpack, things im not sure what to do with yet. and i have not put any pictures on any walls, so that may help everything feel more homey. I still need some bathroom rugs and tiny things here and; but taking 4 kids to the store results in poor purchases for me, and extra goodies for them...so some of these things may have to wait until everyone is back to school and I can shop alone again.
I am getting around okay. did NOT get lost going to the library. i can get to target easily (thank heaven for that)...i think i can get to the superwalmart easily enough although i haven't tried just yet alone. maybe later in the week we can give that a try--the kids are complaining we have no cereal--and they are all of course too lazy to make themselves toast and oatmeal is beyond them. I guess summer causes some slack in capabilities for young kiddos.
nice to finally catch up.
its noon --a bit after --and i am finally going up to get dressed for the day and finish my coffee. oh wait, i guess i am a slacker as well. :) i'll just blame it on summer...
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