a few photos of our week. i couldn't load all of them. i'll try a few more after this post as well. things are going well. getting up on time was a bit of a challenge--getting up by 6am even harder. so far Camille has liked each day. she walks to school with some girls in the neighborhood and then the other two get to the bus stop which is so very conveniently located at the top of our street--walk past about 5 houses and there it is. I LOVE THAT. no real homework this week. signing some more papers, getting notebooks organized, buying even more supplies....
since when did it cost a hundred bucks a kid for school supplies...i guess when they started asking for classroom Kleenex and papers and dry erase markers etc for everyone to share. I thought that's what our home taxes were for...but i guess not enough of it goes for that. anyways...
everyone likes school so far. izzy is the only one feeling the effects of this new move, new school etc...in the classroom i mean. she is not finding a friend just yet, and that is very hard on her. she is very social, but in a kinda awkward way, so she either comes off to strong, or maybe shy. shes very sweet and sensitive, and she was not ready to be a big girl and be in 5th grade this year. ive got my eye on her so we'll see. as the mama, i want everyone to be happy, make friends and get all A's--of course!!!
it's saturday. plans for today: throw in some clarol instincts #2 hair rinse to make ALL my hair blonde (the gray hair seems to be multiplying) for the next 6 weeks... clean the bathrooms, have the kids clean their rooms, wash buster, sweep, and pick out a semi sexy nice outfit to pick up alex at the airport this evening. Adog has been in WA for a month now, and we are so happy he is finally moving to maryland with us. maybe things will start to feel like home here with all of us together again. gotta run, be back soon.
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