so...here is something i worked on yesterday just to get back into making something. i pulled out some SU

i think they turned out pretty good. i used some older retired products along with some new stamps. i had to photograph them outside on the back deck, there isnt a lot of good light in here yet.
i think i am going to make a few more today to go with these ones. some smaller rectangular sized cards. i'm just gonna create until i get sick of seeing these colors. :)
drop me a comment and maybe i'll send one to you...they have nice chocolate chip matching envelopes too.

here is L-DOG (logan) with his ever growing collection of Marvel heroes. they come in all shapes and sizes. he has spent endless summer days sharing all the tiny tidbits about each character with me...it is absolutely driving me nutso...but if i am ever in the position to talk marvel heroes with other moms, i can almost guarantee i'd run the show on that one. and when i say he shares everything i mean EVERYTHING. it is pretty cool that he is SO into them. his dad is so happy --it beats the littlest pet shop obsession from the previous years...he is finally finding his little boy stuff in the midst of living with two very dominant sisters. my favorite is to walk into a room and find them lined up on a table or hanging off umbrellas as he's done here. i love the way his imagination is taking off with this. we busted out Alex's childhood collection of comics to keep him occupied until Alex's return, and the boy is in complete marvel heaven. he even took his spiderman gloves with the fingers cut off and inserted pencils in the tips to create his own Wolverine hands. did i mention he's a little genius too?? i love that kid!!!
thats all for today. happy sunday!
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