Saturday, December 27, 2008
Friday, December 26, 2008
merry merry christmas
the williams family has a very fun, warm, and adventurous christmas day.
the kids got many gifts to enjoy...camilles favorites were her vera bradley mini backpack, a cd/radio alarm clock, a twilight poster& tshirt...along with some books, clothes and craft supplies. Isabelle got a pink nintendo ds (so she could stop stealing logan's each night), a few barbies, some books, her own xbox 360 controller, a pet frog--two actually she named them bubbles&squirt. she also got some clothes and crafty things. Logan got some games for his nintendo, a skate ramp, some action heroes, his first chargers jersey, some books, clothes, and two pet frogs which i dont think he has decided on permanent names yet. ALL three kids also got brand new bikes. amazing mountain bikes that will last them through high school...well the girls' will, logan will need a new one when he is taller. after the excitement settled, we took the kids to the school to ride their bikes, and before alex could finish giving them instruction on riding bikes with gears, hand brakes etc...
our miss izzybusy takes off...does a loop around and ends up speeding down a hill, throws her front brake on, which of course flips the back of the bike up, throwing her feet over head forward off the bike onto the ground...camille runs over helps her...and as we are running to get to her...we discover that she has indeed ate shit (sorry) and broken her little left arm.
so the williams family gets to spend christmas day in the local Emergency Room, getting our baby girl a temp cast put on her arm. today we go to the dr. for a real set up. so the cast means no more basketball--her team is gonna be disappointed cause she was a star at it. no more brand new bike to ride, and she can barely hold her new nintendo. a lesson in listening to daddy i guess.
we are always full of stories, us williams'. something is always happening to us. i figure it just adds to the character of our family. we keep things up and moving...exciting...esp. when it concerns isabelle.
oh yeah. terry and her husband tom are spending the holiday with us...for a few more days. and i got a HUGE surprise from alex. if you know him well, you'll know he never gives me gifts. just never. i can count on one had and have leftover fingers the number of anniversary, birthday, or christmas gifts he has given me. BUT we sweet man outdid himself and made up for it all. he got me my very own laptop. and its a beautiful deep blue. i love it, i was so happy and surprised, i just cried and cried. that stinker. love him.
well gotta run to the DRs for izzys cast now. everyone else in enjoying a visit to DC today...but we'll get her fixed up and on her way to healing.
chat soon.
merry christmas.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008

after watching the movie, i wanted to go home and read the first book again. seriously. how could you not love edward & bella??? i mean, HOW? silly as it may seem, i felt so happy watching that movie. i'm glad camille and i could watch it together (along with all the other tweens, teens and college girls and moms in the theater :)).
Sunday, November 9, 2008
feeling fallish...

ps. check out L-DOG with the lil pumpkin--crazy boy!
Friday, November 7, 2008
the last no particular order

ps. dontcha just love alex and i in matching tshirts? those are his last troops tshirt. and he gave me one, and i said hey--that looks kinda scary i could wear that for halloween, so we were twins for the day. :)
Monday, October 20, 2008
Henry and me.

Monday, October 13, 2008
out sick :(
i am out sick for a bit here. horrible head cold- that just keeps on kicking my butt. be back soon.
Saturday, October 4, 2008
World Card Making Day & a doggie Birthday.

Thursday, October 2, 2008
yippeee for me!!

Monday, September 29, 2008
halloween treat & hellos

Tuesday, September 16, 2008
i am here

i am here. i am just going about my days. doing all the things a mommy of three children and two dogs does. yes, thats right--we now have 2 doggies. alex showed up home with a puppy. i wanna say that he, (his name is henry higgins williams by the way), is taking every calm moment in our lives and turning it to havoc. i will be straight and say i did not want this dog. nor did i agree to him. as a matterafact--i said NO, more than once. but alex figured he deserved him...needed him more than anything. he has obsessed over this dog for months, even while in Iraq. he sent me countless emails about him. he even photoshopped a picture of one into a pic i sent him of the kids. yes, the man is that crazy over dogs. i spent a week hating both of them, i assure you. but alex knows i am a sucker if not a lady with a big heart. and so i am falling for henry more each day. cmon though, most all pups are i lose the battle there. and he named him henry. our special name reserved for my st bernard that we cannot get yet. so...i am adapting to life with henry. he is about 9 1/2 weeks old...tiny and growing and all over the place...he knows how to sit and "go potty" outside. although he loves going potty inside as well. i dont have my photos of him yet on the computer, but when i do i will show some pictures of him. oh--he is a staffordshire bull terrier--hence my reservation in wanting him....he will be the buff little terror--i mean terrier--next to our sweet bassett buster.
the kids are successfully getting up and ready for school each day. only a few major/minor meltdowns so far. :) homework has been better, the kids know they must do homework in order to do anything else like play with neighbors or watch tv etc...and they for the most part, LIKE to do school work, so no problems there.
i am slowly working on some stampin' up! stuff. getting things in places i can use easily. alex moved me back down to the basement. its cold and a bit dark--but i have a lot of space and its good to create with all your supplies in one place. i am usually just getting a few minutes here and there to make a single card, or put stuff together for future projects. i am working a halloween treat box right now.
alex is busy back to work--very different here than in wa, but things are well for him now too.
its time to get some little kiddos up--ones about to leave and 2 more to get up and ready to go, i'm headed to return library books today and then the post office--i know SO exciting huh?
Saturday, August 30, 2008
first week of school

a few photos of our week. i couldn't load all of them. i'll try a few more after this post as well. things are going well. getting up on time was a bit of a challenge--getting up by 6am even harder. so far Camille has liked each day. she walks to school with some girls in the neighborhood and then the other two get to the bus stop which is so very conveniently located at the top of our street--walk past about 5 houses and there it is. I LOVE THAT. no real homework this week. signing some more papers, getting notebooks organized, buying even more supplies....
since when did it cost a hundred bucks a kid for school supplies...i guess when they started asking for classroom Kleenex and papers and dry erase markers etc for everyone to share. I thought that's what our home taxes were for...but i guess not enough of it goes for that. anyways...
everyone likes school so far. izzy is the only one feeling the effects of this new move, new school the classroom i mean. she is not finding a friend just yet, and that is very hard on her. she is very social, but in a kinda awkward way, so she either comes off to strong, or maybe shy. shes very sweet and sensitive, and she was not ready to be a big girl and be in 5th grade this year. ive got my eye on her so we'll see. as the mama, i want everyone to be happy, make friends and get all A's--of course!!!
it's saturday. plans for today: throw in some clarol instincts #2 hair rinse to make ALL my hair blonde (the gray hair seems to be multiplying) for the next 6 weeks... clean the bathrooms, have the kids clean their rooms, wash buster, sweep, and pick out a semi sexy nice outfit to pick up alex at the airport this evening. Adog has been in WA for a month now, and we are so happy he is finally moving to maryland with us. maybe things will start to feel like home here with all of us together again. gotta run, be back soon.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
last days of summer vacation

so...these are the last few days of summer vacation. school begins Tuesday for Logi and Izzy and Wednesday for miss Cam. sheesh. a long eventful summer. some good, some bad. happy for some kind of routine to kick in. glad the kids will be in a social network of some kind...they need to meet some kids in this new town, find their place in it all.
the girls decided to try on outfits and so i grabbed the camera and shot a few pictures of them being silly. nothing fancy..they didn't want to stand there for very long...just wham back upstairs and try another. camille goes for poses, and isabelle just laughs as she struts her stuff. silly girls. one wants heels and skinny jeans, the other wants flair legged and converse.....such different little girls i have. so sweet and so ornery the both of them.

logan spent a bit of time finding things to check out with his science kit. he took some of the clumped up hairs that were falling off of buster (our poor dog & his allergies) and some bits of leaves, grass, dirt, he even put some ice tea in a test tube to check out what was floating around that maybe we couldn't see....
it was fun to see him get excited about his discoveries. my kids can be a pain when they are bored, let me tell you. they just get in each others faces...but i sure do love the heck out of them. and i love to look at photos that capture who they are right now...seeing them like this, helps me to appreciate how good and wonderful they each really are. (you know its hard to see that during the long days of summer where all they seem to do is argue over who gets what, or who is right, or who won what game etc.....

well. that's all for now. lots going on in the next few days...really been kinda busy. today i want to put some pictures and decorations on the walls finally. nothing too exciting, but its something i've wanted to do since we got in this house. :)