i am feeling better. though i am still hanging on rather tightly to this cold i got 8 days ago. something not so fun to welcome in the fall with.
have i introduced our puppy henry higgins williams here yet? i don't think so. well, here he is. my feelings for him are growing as i spend my days with him and buster. henry is a staffordshire bull terrier. add that with being a puppy and you get a totally different doggie than i have been accustomed to. buster is easy and sweet and 6 yrs old, and set in his lazy day ways...henry is on fire all day long, with tiny naps here and there. it is a bit reminiscent of baby days past, potty breaks, cleaning up accidents, baby gates etc. though i am not connecting with henry as instantly as my sweet babes.
he is not a "cute" kind of dog. being a bull breed, well even at 10 weeks old you could see the power in his little body, and if he yawned my stomach fluttered--cause his jaws are huge and a bit scary. in his favor though-he is a funny little dog, easy to please (alex) and is already learning little commands like sit and down, and he loves to play with buster.
we always wanted a henry in our house--i just always thought he'd be a real boy vs the dog kind. alex adores him, and we are all beginning to live our lives with henry in the middle. the days are a bit longer with him now.....
*i am really starting to like maryland now. it felt so MUCH at first. but i am learning my way here and there. discovering that this place has a lot to offer. knowing in my heart i do NOT miss the crazy gloomy rain in Washington state. perhaps that makes here even better. the kids are making friends, we are getting into a daily routine rather well and October is flying by already.
i am still working on some card samples--i'll have those up here as soon as i get those done. also working on my october artist designs for the contest i won with my upline to showcase some of my work for her team of SU! demos. i'm using a Scandinavian Christmas set, a little silver embossing thrown in and i love what i've done so far. :)
happy monday friends. i hope you have a good week.
1 comment:
Hello! Nice dog!
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