Wednesday, August 24, 2011

back to school august 2011

a few pictures to start the school year off.

oh goodness. how do these kids keep getting bigger. summer was fun, both long and short somehow. the williams family has always loved going back to school. routines, papers & pens, friends, so much to learn about, so many possibilities.  as much as i welcome the days with them at school and not at home bickering their heads off at each other-  i am a little sad that they keep getting older and are not little babies anymore. i mean this year is huge for us. no more elementary school. i have a highschooler for goodness sakes. a tiny bit of mixed emotions about all that. but i just LOVE back to school time. :)
*it just dawned on me that this was the first year that i forgot to slip a sweet note into their lunch bags for the first day. oh, i can't believe i forgot. what a bummer. well, they haven't even mentioned it either, so maybe its no big deal. but still.


Unknown said...

Hope you keep blogging!


Unknown said...

Hope you keep blogging!
