Saturday, February 6, 2010

the blizzard of 2010

oh goodness---we are getting some SNOW up over here. these pictures are from this morning...but keep in mind we had another foot plus load us down since
its just been coming and coming since early yesterday. everything in the city is closed. we are snowed in....and super tired of changing wet snowy clothes...don't have enough gloves and hats etc. my lame face in the photo is cause i am super sick of being cold...and wiping snow off the floor. :(
luckily we still have power. THANK YOU LORD. and camille is keeping us warm with all her baking skills.
its been fun and lovely to have all this beautiful white snow cover up every possible square inch of our lives, but we are all ready for this to end now. thank you very much.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow!! Try to stay warm until everything melts away. the sooner the better. Seems you traded rain for snow. Yikes! Sending sunny warm thoughts your way.
