alex always gives silly faces in pictures- esp. with me in it, cause
thats just the way he rolls. this is his trying to look girlie and sweet face. :)

today we celebrate so many many years of love and craziness. i wouldn't want it any other way. he can piss me off to the point of rage, and melt my heart with just a look. he never remembers to buy gifts on special days, but he will show up with a lil chocolate somehow knowing just when i need it. he calls me silly names like tiny, and shanicqua, and b-nasty (that on is the silliest cause it just doesn't apply- which is why he loves it and even sent me a shirt from iraq that said b nasty on the front & team williams on the back).
he does things like making that shirt for me...little ways to show me he loves me. he never cleans ANYTHING. i mean anything -in the house. ever. dishes? no. bathrooms? no, ever nothing. BUT he does do ALL the yardwork outside if he is home and that is an even exchange (mostly) for the outside, cause i really hate yard work. he comes to my rescue after i call him crying when i find that one of the dogs has killed an animal... like when he came home from a 4 day survival army thing in the middle of who knows where- sleep deprived and had to dispose of the mother possum and her opened belly containing lil babies that crawled up to our front tree and died...
he always takes my side with kid issues ( i wish i did this better myself). i always learn something new from him- like last night he told me he really hates the word lap. hmm...i never knew that about him. :)
i love that he is 6'4 255 (plus on occasion) and i will ALWAYS look smaller next to him regardless of how much weight ive gained. :) he is the best guy i know even with a bit of a temper. gosh i could go on and on really.
he is so good at his army job-and he loves what he does. i am proud of him and he is proud of himself. it is an honor to be married to a such a good soldier. i love how everyone flocks to him. he makes friends so easily. guys just want to hang out with him, its funny cause i am such the opposite. he is the social butterfly and i am so shy and
awkward. i good pair i guess. i love that he sings when he is home. he cant sing worth a darn, but i love hearing him. i usually tell him to stop, but he
doesn't. and i
don't really want him to. when he is gone, i miss hearing him the most. i love that he tries to push me to be better. he always has dreams and goals and he wants the same for me. i love how he takes the kids biking or the the gym with him on the weekends, giving them time together and me some solo time. i love that he is so happy watching
ufc all the time and can share the
mma stuff with
logan. he is literally fearless and it amazes me constantly. i love how he teaches the girls to be strong and not afraid of anything. i love how he walks into the kitchen and puts me in some sort of arm bar or hold. i love how he talks boy stuff with
logan so easily-cause
im just so girlie for all that. i love how he makes fun of the things i love- cause its his way of showing me he knows what i love- and loves me back. i love most that he believes in me to care for everything, the house, the kids, the bills and know i can handle it all so he can focus on his stuff. and i love how when i cant handle it all he comes in just when i need him. i love that we can sit and laugh together at all the crazy silly things we experience as a family. cause we have so many stories. things just happen to us, chaos follows us all the time and its good we can laugh about it. :) so much to say about loving him.
its funny that i met him at 18 and i just turned 36 a few days ago...we've been together so long. and it makes me so happy to say that.
so happy love day to us.