Thursday, December 17, 2009

one more thing.

do you always have one more thing in your house?
you know, one more thing you forgot to do, that one more thing that happens just as you are out the door....the one more thing that brings happiness in your heart, just as you're about to freak out one more time? :)
this morning after the kids and hubs when off in their worlds; i grabbed my shopping bags and put everything out on my bed. i thought for sure i was finished with shopping, making etc. my hardest part of holiday gift giving is making it all fair between my three. i am constantly telling them, NOTHING is fair. you are not the same people, so you will never get the same in life. and yet, i am always trying to figure out a way for it to be fair. one more thing that bugs me about myself. i end up trying to explain or reason with my kids when really i should just leave it at "nothings fair!". cause believe me, my children will find the smallest discrepancies and prove to me that i screwed up somehow and one of them got the bigger slice of pie, the longer thread, the extra minute before bedtime, the book with one more page. totally true. i spoil them in small ways, and then i have to figure out lessons to teach about fairness and giving and wanting and sometimes when they don't get something, i have to figure out how to teach them it's ok to not get everything you think you need and want. good grief. :) maybe they wouldn't really care, maybe i have taught them so well, that this will be the holiday that they are happy with their own gifts and not compare. see, we have this whole competition thing going on in our home. its not huge and horrible, but it comes up with when gift giving, i have to somehow make a bicycle be equivalent to a jacket, or something like that. don't get me wrong, i'm just babbling a bit, my kids are sweet and appreciative but there is always something that will make one of them feel the other got the better thing. :) but they dont ever want the same thing, so as long as they are pretty much getting something they want, i guess i won't have to stress over it.
i just want them to be happy and see the little sparkle in their eyes as they open up their gifts and realize they were in fact good and mom and dad got them a few of the things their hearts desired.

basically i am short maybe one more thing for each of the girls. not really, cause they wanted a big ticket item, but it LOOKS like i am one gift short. so now the decision is do i try to buy something or make it?
i'm thinking make it. i can always whip up something girlie--but will they appreciate it? hmmmm....hopefully i have taught them enough about how wonderful it is to receive something handmade from someone's heart--especially their mama.
they have 4 days of school left, so i have time to craft away if needed. :)
there is always "one more thing" in this house....
one more thing: to do, to make, to remember, to buy, to need, to stress about. i'm sure ya'll know exactly what i mean.
today i am going to be positive and remember to be thankful for one more thing.

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