Thursday, December 31, 2009

happy new year!!

it's about 10pm. i am trying to stay awake til the new year's first minute. not sure if i'll make it. two of the kids are already getting delirious. you know when you are so tired you just act plain stupid and then giggle nonstop about it? yeah, me either. but the kids are just about right there. alex is home playing some video game live on the xbox--getting his butt kicked by some 10yr old boy in india. :) yes, we are seriously into celebrating the newest year.

to inspire a fresh clean new year, i pulled my better homes & garden january 2008 issue off my bookshelf. and alex said, i'd never look at those again...i figure the tips for '08 are just as good for '10. i know for a fact i didn't keep up with all those clutter control tips and the organizational skills they tried to teach me back then well, i am in need of a new lesson.

there is something amazing about the start of a new year. as i get older, i find myself looking forward to it. a new month can be a great welcome, and it is known waking up to a new day can help mend yesterdays broken heart. but a new year--well, it brings with it so much hope. so much potential. it is so BIG and so very much can happen. and i love the possibility in the air.

2009 has been good. so much growing and maturing for my children. a little heartbreak here and there-just enough to teach life's lessons. izzy's broken arm healed. her return to singing everyday. new best friends. she is finally enjoying a book each night. logan's grades back up to fantastic. his fascination with legos and astronomy and science and spies. camille's obsession with skinny jeans. her entering teenager life-to its fullest. a new boyfriend--even though its not allowed. she also entered the workforce of babysitting and she loves the families she sits for and she really enjoys having her own money. (and has not complained at loaning mom a few dollars when necessary).there is much to be happy for my kids this past year. they always improve on their beautiful selves and continue to amaze me. i am so very lucky to have such truly good, gifted children.
alex spent some time away this year again; but is home now and we all made it through. he is extremely happy with his job and even though once again the military life brings much sacrifice, him being proud of what he does carries over into our family life and that is a very good thing. he finally at age 36 grew a beard. well, i don't think it was called a beard, but you could actually SEE it, which is new for him. and he is finally attempting to read at bedtime as well. :)
what have i done this year? my usual. some volunteering at school. some scrapbooking. a little home decorating. a constant battle with my 10 pound weight loss. i go up, i go down. i'm currently down by 3. go me! i did take a few steps up in my crafty business. making more money than i ever have. branching out a bit. i also made a few new friends, and they are really nice women and i am thankful that we moved where we are (even if the house is smaller then i wished, i am finding it cozy as well) and welcome the chance to spend time getting to know them better. i am feeling the beginnings of home...yes a year and a half later, but thats the usual for me. i know i won't want maryland to be home forever, but i am so glad that i am feeling like i fit okay here. you military wives know what i'm talking about. it is so hard to be in a place where you just can't feel right. :)
as a family we celebrated a huge achievement by buying a new home here in maryland. settling into this community on a semi-temporary permanent basis. :) the split level design is not our favorite, but everyone has a room and we have a nice yard and the kitchen is bigger than any we've ever had and we get to live on a cul de sac where everyone is safe. we are having good memories made here. having my cousin kelly's family visit in the summer was wonderful. henry higgins is beginning to fill all of our hearts--even mine. i know i said it would never happen, but i find him not so scary anymore and am growing rather fond of him.
and our latest happy family adventure this week has been teaching buster baxter to shake his paw. and if you know buster, then you know this is a miracle. a very sweet happy miracle. he does NOTHING but eat and sleep and lounge in the sun if possible. so him learning this new--his only trick at age 7 is just the happiest thing for all of us. we are so very proud and lavish him with kisses when he does it.

of course, there are so many big and little things that happened this year to my family. of which i wish i spent more time documenting them here. but guess what? i have a whole new year to try again? and i bet so much more to come.

i wish for a fantastic new year to everyone. i'm so ready for 2010; how about you? even the number is cool.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

snow storm

MD severe weather alert.
winter storm warnings.
blizzard storm warnings.
WOW. what a weekend before Christmas.
yesterday i was going to finish those one more (last minute) things i talked about previously. well no, nothing got finished. everyone around town was crazy. every store was overloaded with people, lines were insane, traffice filled every corner. it took hours to do one thing. we are having a huge snow storm--so everyone in the world was out yesterday buying last minute gifts, and stocking up on all the toilet paper and bread in every store. crazy!! i dropped izzy off at a sleepover party before the snow hit, so now i just have to make sure i can get her back home before everything is too crazy. :) well, as long as alex is home, i am sure he can get her home safely.

we are fine. we have enough food and water and candles and milk and bread and things to do to last us for days. it's kinda exciting really. i just hope that nothing crazy happens, no power outages, accidents etc. maybe we'll just have a nice weekend building snowmen all over the yard.
i'll keep you posted. once daylight breaks and the kids are up and about--i'll try to come back and show some photos. the yard already looks beautiful in its fluffy blanket of snow. i love the snow really, when i can stay warm inside and see it's beauty through my window. or stand out in it bundled up a few minutes watching the kids so happy. it's pretty neat stuff really.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

one more thing.

do you always have one more thing in your house?
you know, one more thing you forgot to do, that one more thing that happens just as you are out the door....the one more thing that brings happiness in your heart, just as you're about to freak out one more time? :)
this morning after the kids and hubs when off in their worlds; i grabbed my shopping bags and put everything out on my bed. i thought for sure i was finished with shopping, making etc. my hardest part of holiday gift giving is making it all fair between my three. i am constantly telling them, NOTHING is fair. you are not the same people, so you will never get the same in life. and yet, i am always trying to figure out a way for it to be fair. one more thing that bugs me about myself. i end up trying to explain or reason with my kids when really i should just leave it at "nothings fair!". cause believe me, my children will find the smallest discrepancies and prove to me that i screwed up somehow and one of them got the bigger slice of pie, the longer thread, the extra minute before bedtime, the book with one more page. totally true. i spoil them in small ways, and then i have to figure out lessons to teach about fairness and giving and wanting and sometimes when they don't get something, i have to figure out how to teach them it's ok to not get everything you think you need and want. good grief. :) maybe they wouldn't really care, maybe i have taught them so well, that this will be the holiday that they are happy with their own gifts and not compare. see, we have this whole competition thing going on in our home. its not huge and horrible, but it comes up with when gift giving, i have to somehow make a bicycle be equivalent to a jacket, or something like that. don't get me wrong, i'm just babbling a bit, my kids are sweet and appreciative but there is always something that will make one of them feel the other got the better thing. :) but they dont ever want the same thing, so as long as they are pretty much getting something they want, i guess i won't have to stress over it.
i just want them to be happy and see the little sparkle in their eyes as they open up their gifts and realize they were in fact good and mom and dad got them a few of the things their hearts desired.

basically i am short maybe one more thing for each of the girls. not really, cause they wanted a big ticket item, but it LOOKS like i am one gift short. so now the decision is do i try to buy something or make it?
i'm thinking make it. i can always whip up something girlie--but will they appreciate it? hmmmm....hopefully i have taught them enough about how wonderful it is to receive something handmade from someone's heart--especially their mama.
they have 4 days of school left, so i have time to craft away if needed. :)
there is always "one more thing" in this house....
one more thing: to do, to make, to remember, to buy, to need, to stress about. i'm sure ya'll know exactly what i mean.
today i am going to be positive and remember to be thankful for one more thing.

Sunday, December 13, 2009


today has been a very good cozy stayathome and donothingmuch day.
and i have loved it!!

today i :
slept in.
had some back aches that finally went away.
called meema to figure out the damn problems with the sewing machine that have been making me lose my mind!
hemmed 3 pairs of pants- a little wonky but who cares at this point, they are done and that's all that matters.
drank one, no- currently 2 cups of coffee. big huge cappuccino size mugs.
stayed inside out of the rain the entire day.
curled my hair anyway.
read my new stampin success magazine.
dreamed of stampin ups new clear block rubber stamps...and how soon i can get my hands on some.
worried about what to do for everyone for Christmas (will i have the time to do the small list of things i really want)
did not yell at the kids one single time. :)
relaxed and read my favorite blogs.
figured out how to change my blog design--so cute.
made a list of the letters/cards/baking/projects i need to do this week.

today alex:
went to radio shack twice.
fixed the mini tv in his man cave (back of laundry room).
cooked and ate crab.
watched football.
snuggled with henrydog his bff.
fell asleep for 10 mins exactly watching football, before henry woke him up with the noise of chewing a water bottle.
relaxed more then he ever does- which is good cause he has a busy week coming up.

today camille:
texted about 3000 times.
made coconut macaroons.
fiddled on the computer for a few hours.
read a library book that she has already read a few times.
cleaned out her room.
tripped her sister cause she said she just had to. :(
got in trouble for tripping her sister.

today izzy:
wrote 5 christmas letters.
changed her shirt 4 times.
wore my high heels all day (yes i have high heels -one inch)
watched christmas shows.
cleaned her room.
crafts by herself.

today logan:
sang a lady gaga song WAY too much.
chit-chatted with daddy while football was on.
cleaned his room (its a miracle).
decided where to hang up the stockings.
wore his sweats all day.
tried to change the new moon screen saver on the kids computer-but couldn't do it. :)

today the dogs:
slept, ate and fought- the usual.

it's only 5:35pm . so there is plenty of time left for dinner and baths and a little cozy reading before bedtime.

Friday, December 11, 2009

so behind

gosh. it's already december 11, and i am kinda sorta behind in everything i would like to do. the handmade gifts are made....only in my mind. i must work on them. soon. i don't want to be giving my kids handmade gifts after christmas....again. i have a few bought gifts for each child, and so that is finished and well. this christmas is going to be relatively small; as far as gifts go. we have been spending time together so that is a plus, but some of it feels rushed and hectic...tis the season, i guess that's how it goes.
whats left to do?? switch out the tree lights that blew out. :(
somehow convince henry to stop chewing on the tree...the bottom is looking pretty bare now. silly puppy. gets camille's main gift. find izzy some cool boots--she is rough on her shoes and her boots are missing the toe material, so its time for new ones. i figure it will be a nice useful gift.
get my sewing machine to quit jamming so i can finish my handmade gifts and figure out a plan for cookie gifts for our neighbors and friends- if i can get myself a little more organized.
The holiday show i did at a neighbors house turned out fantastic. i made more than enough money for christmas gifts, met lots of really nice ladies and got my business name out around town. it was perfect. i am so appreciative and grateful to the ladies who thought of me and invited me to attend. a wonderful experience.

ok. time for errands and lego club. :) lots to do.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

December one

i keep telling myself that i will post here every few days. maybe my life is just boring. maybe i don't have as much time as i would like. maybe i should just forget about this little ol' blog and move on. maybe i can start the new year on a better blog foot....maybe.
happy december everyone.
thinking of you.