Tuesday, July 1, 2008

july 1st and for goodnesssakes....

IF anyone is still looking for me here...I am happy to report I am still trying to remember I have a blog. days pass...but I am thinking I need to hop on here; just can't get around to it before another day has ended. I'll just be honest and say I may not be back on here until later in the month. we are in full-speed-ahead-mode with this whole move across the country thing. going at it all each day, with doggie and 3 children hanging on in the wind....tough stuff. it's all for the good of the family I know. we are getting things done, just seems slow and too fast at the same time.
we had a welcome home ceremony today for the 4/2 Brigade. it was beautiful and sad all at once. so happy to have my soldier home, so very sad for the lives sacrificed of the soldiers they lost. but proud of them all...
its something big to see over 4000 soldiers marching around or standing out there on the field with the national anthem playing...it pulls at my heart knowing what they have gone through...how strong they have to be....it makes you feel special to be a tiny part of the military--even as a spouse. :)

lots going on around here. I have the house in pretty good shape, still working on the garage...doing that until the last possible minute.

**Stampin' UP! released a sneak peek of some new products for the fall 08 catalog that will be released in August--sorry they are only released to us Demonstrators--but good grief--they are cool. I cannot wait to get my hands on them. I'll have to wait until I get to Maryland to preorder some stuff for myself...but believe me--I will get some soon. very cool.
if anyone is interested in getting a new catalog when it comes out this August, let me know I will reserve you one--I will be ordering a box of them to have sometime in August. the catalog release is my favorite time of the SU! year. so totally fun, I usually stalk the front porch for the UPS truck, and then when my new catalog finally arrives, I sit and stare at every tiny detail for about 7 days straight....seriously--I can hardly do anything else but look at it for days...making wish lists and then new wish lists, it's like window shopping right on my couch--PERFECT.

okay- I better hop off here, I have about an hour before we have to skadaddle again as someone new wants to check out our home. (did you remember to send good pleasesellourhouse thoughts my way???) thanks.


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