good grief...the days are flying by (hence the photo- i think ive posted it before but it was just too perfect for how im feeling) and i swear i am not getting anything done. i'm just not. i guess thats ok. there is really nothing on the schedule until school starts anyway.
i do have news. today is a big day for us. today we drive down to DC to pick up little byran. it has taken me years of asking and waiting, but he is finally going to come visit us for 2 weeks. he just wasn't ready to venture out alone on an airplane...but now at 15, he finally is. i think it helped that we stopped in indiana and saw him on our drive east. he could see for himself that we're not crazy...well, at least not THAT crazy.
i am so happy and excited for him to be here with us. I'm not sure that i am all that exciting for a 15 yr old, especially with alex going back to WA in a few days. but we'll make do. we have a pool and it looks like all the cute teen girls in the neighborhood like to hang there a bit each day...im sure that's enough excitement in itself for one boy. :) alex got the xbox 360 live stuff going, and the computers and tvs in the basement/fun room...so i think he'll feel fine here. and i know if we venture out it'll be nothing if not exciting getting lost in this city. i can almost guarantee that i will be lost A LOT here. its kinda a given. i do have a notebook in the truck and i am writing down directions each time we go somewhere or get lost...and how we got back. and if all else fails, i can get us to the post and target and a hugeass mall...so really, what else do i need until september when a-dog returns right?
moving in is coming along. slow. i have the living room pretty much set up. we bought new couches, which is so ding dang cool. brown microfiber (for kids and dogs) and they recline...and i love them so much. i am so blessed that alex worked so hard to buy them for us. its like our first big adult furniture...finally. i mean camille is 11, it only takes about a decade to step up into that 'nice things' category. :) all of you with tiny children know what i mean. why bother having nice things, when little ones or puppies will most likely tear it up...plus we could never really afford it.
did i mention this house is pretty darn big?
its big for us. we have so much space I'm not sure how homey i can make it. we are making the family room kind of an office/homework/house hub. which is funny to do when you don't really have furniture to make it look like that. for now we have the computer set up, and one lonely desk, and 3 random chairs, in various heights. last night alex joked about the chairs. i don't know whats up with them either...sitting together in the middle of the room. the kids suggested we could tell people we are playing musical chairs with them...that sounded good so we left them in their spots. :)
i am NOT complaining about the hugeness of this house. it is awesome. even though it took forever to get here IN it; its been worth it. i really love it. each kid has their own room, that alone is a huge blessing. telling them to go to their rooms, and it is quiet (without the girls fighting) ohmygoodness, i cant tell you how long we've waited for that to happen. glorious i tell you.
i am setting up my creative space downstairs in the finished basement. im not altogether happy about it all being down there, i like to be upstairs by all the house action. but we are setting it up as the kids area...so we'll have games, tv, SPACE TO PLAY, and my stuff. i am planning on using the lonely little desk upstairs to work on projects when everyone is upstairs until alex gets me a desk. (mine is now the computer desk--and gave the card table it was on back to the kids :)
things are coming along.
last night alex and logan played halo 3 live with some little nerdy kids online and got their butts kicked. i laughed so hard when they told me about it. evidently alex isn't a match for these little toddlers who can dedicate their days to playing hal03. i think they got creamed 58 to 2. logan said everyone quit their team when they saw how bad alex and logan were...im telling you i just had to bellylaugh, cause of the bragging that goes on around here by A-DOG and how good he is at everything....an 8 year old indian boy put him in his place quick. :) i love that.
well its 930am here and i have a buttload (ridiculous word there, but seemed appropriate) of stuff to finish up. and i haven't even showered yet. this is the first day since we left WA that anyone could sleep in...and of course buster baxter woke me up with a potty plea first thing. but i've had my coffee and gone through my blogs and emails. so its time to get going.
as the days progress i hope to be back here. just pop in from time to time, i will get my butt in gear with this blog soon. :) i have big plans for it.
**forgot to add, im expecting a box from Stampin'Up! with some new items in there...and i also ordered the new fall catalogs to be delievered in august. and for my lovely best friends who speak spanish, guess what? SU! is now venturing into the spanish speaking world, with a whole new catalog with spanish language stamps. i am so happy about that--its going to open up a whole new opportunity for me, and i cant wait to send cute little cards to my beauiful amigas...yolanda and diana. maybe this will help kickstart my goal or learning to speak spanish again....i cant let those 8 years of spanish classes go to waste now can i?