yup; today I am 34!!!
I'm feeling it...feeling a little closer to 39ish I think. body aches, tired early, stress. yeah, I'm feeling it. No big plans today to celebrate. Alex took us to dinner at an Italian place last night for dinner--and then later we figured that could be my birthday dinner. :) we are in full swing on the house selling/moving to Maryland thing. So that is taking top priority around here. not sure if I can be as ready as I'd like, as soon as the agent wants me to be to start showing the house, but I'm gonna give it my best shot--aches and pains and all. I have been anxious to get rid of lots of the stuff that we have accumulated and never really use, or stuff that is just old and worn out...I have a hard time letting go of things, I don't make decisons well, and I'm nervous we might need that tiny paper with the random numbers on it again :) but I need to let go of that feeling and now its all about purging, and the closer deadlines are coming, the more I am able to just start chucking things out. That's good. I'm finding my previous 3 years of half finished projects, clothes the kids have obviously outgrown and paper piles are really putting a damper on my ability to get things looking simple and even move on to the actual cleaning of things. I'm nervous about throwing out some 'treasure' that I don't get rid of anything; and now its just impossible to see what we have and what we need in the midst. Alex is popping in during the day here and there, and trying to help me--he's been working on the outside, but not that it is all cleaned and looking pretty, he is going to help on the inside. lets hope we get a lot done real quick.
I am trucking on though. Today is my last full day of 'freedom' without the kids. I'll be cleaning all day--so I have to make it a getalotdone in just a few hours time. tomorrow they end the school year at 11:32 and have their dentist checkup and cleanings at 2pm--and then Friday we officially start summer around here. I think we are all ready for summertime. And if we move to Maryland early enough, we'll get to enjoy some real heat and sunshine and not have to sit in Washington and complain about the rain--we are excited about that--totally excited to move. nervous of a new place, but so far we have enjoyed our gypsy days of moving from place toplace every few years. of course until we get there, and the humidity is hard to take. --there is always something that needs to be complained about--but I think we can ride off the excitement of the new place just fine. I still almost can't believe we are moving across the whole country and finally living on the east coast. my only regret is not having my granny in DC; where she was my whole livelong life until she passed away in 04--I always figured she'd be in her big house on the hill in Capitol Heights forever...and I always dreamed that one day I'd be close enough to visit her and hear stories of when we lived with her back when I was little--makes me so sad--but she lived to be 96--she lived long and loved lots--I'll just think of that when I feel myself missing here while I'm back there.
so--happy birthday to me. I'm having coffee and planning exactly what I need to do today before the kiddos get up.
1 comment:
Happy Birthday Sherry you look great!!
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