Hello my friends...if you're still reading; I'm still here, sorta.
I know, I've promised photos and more updated posts...but that was before I realized how much work it is to clean up our home to move, and have it in tip top shape at a moments notice to show to a realtor/buyer. I am running on no sleep, no energy and now I have this stupid head cold thingy that is making my throat ache and my ear throb. I thought Alex coming home would give me absolute stress free days--in one sense it did, but now there is just so much more. I am thankful, I can't deny that. As I get rid of so much excess in our home, I can see I am clearly blessed--I have never owned so much crap in all my life. We are well provided for in that sense. :) I will just be glad when all this is over and we are on our way to Maryland. Which is actually very soon. We don't know whats up with the housing market, but we've listed our house for a quick buy, so we are hoping someone will come in and just love the neighborhood, and this little house with a big yard, and want it so much they will buy it soon. Maybe my friends can say a nice little prayer for us, or send some good thoughts our way. I just know that God doesn't want us stuck with a house on one side of the country while living in another. :) We do have the option of renting it out, so there is that as well, we just kinda want to sell it and move on. :)
Well I got to get up in the shower and then do some cleaning for some photos of the house for our listing. (we were not ready for inside photos a few days ago).
like I said, so much work.
When I have time, I will try to upload the photos of Alex coming home, and some of the things we've done the past few weeks. I have not had much time for anything else. Although I wish...maybe the next few days things will settle down a bit. the kids are ready to do lots of fun summer stuff, but we cant mess up the house, and we are a one truck family for awhile - so we are stuck at home in a house we cant mess up--Alex's (piece of crap- but somehow runs like a champ through it all) truck didn't pass the smog check and is forbidden on post now... hence the one truck family....see what I mean about things just being hard--all good, but just hard.
I am longing to do something creative--anything. I got a few new Stampin' Up! things for myself for my birthdayand I really want to play around with them. My stamping desk is sitting there all cleaned and waiting for me......I even got a new crop-a-dile and am dying to punch holes in something....I keep looking at it as I whizz by....bummer....soon. very soon.
well catch ya later.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
happy birthday to me...

yup; today I am 34!!!
I'm feeling it...feeling a little closer to 39ish I think. body aches, tired early, stress. yeah, I'm feeling it. No big plans today to celebrate. Alex took us to dinner at an Italian place last night for dinner--and then later we figured that could be my birthday dinner. :) we are in full swing on the house selling/moving to Maryland thing. So that is taking top priority around here. not sure if I can be as ready as I'd like, as soon as the agent wants me to be to start showing the house, but I'm gonna give it my best shot--aches and pains and all. I have been anxious to get rid of lots of the stuff that we have accumulated and never really use, or stuff that is just old and worn out...I have a hard time letting go of things, I don't make decisons well, and I'm nervous we might need that tiny paper with the random numbers on it again :) but I need to let go of that feeling and now its all about purging, and the closer deadlines are coming, the more I am able to just start chucking things out. That's good. I'm finding my previous 3 years of half finished projects, clothes the kids have obviously outgrown and paper piles are really putting a damper on my ability to get things looking simple and even move on to the actual cleaning of things. I'm nervous about throwing out some 'treasure' that I don't get rid of anything; and now its just impossible to see what we have and what we need in the midst. Alex is popping in during the day here and there, and trying to help me--he's been working on the outside, but not that it is all cleaned and looking pretty, he is going to help on the inside. lets hope we get a lot done real quick.
I am trucking on though. Today is my last full day of 'freedom' without the kids. I'll be cleaning all day--so I have to make it a getalotdone in just a few hours time. tomorrow they end the school year at 11:32 and have their dentist checkup and cleanings at 2pm--and then Friday we officially start summer around here. I think we are all ready for summertime. And if we move to Maryland early enough, we'll get to enjoy some real heat and sunshine and not have to sit in Washington and complain about the rain--we are excited about that--totally excited to move. nervous of a new place, but so far we have enjoyed our gypsy days of moving from place toplace every few years. of course until we get there, and the humidity is hard to take. --there is always something that needs to be complained about--but I think we can ride off the excitement of the new place just fine. I still almost can't believe we are moving across the whole country and finally living on the east coast. my only regret is not having my granny in DC; where she was my whole livelong life until she passed away in 04--I always figured she'd be in her big house on the hill in Capitol Heights forever...and I always dreamed that one day I'd be close enough to visit her and hear stories of when we lived with her back when I was little--makes me so sad--but she lived to be 96--she lived long and loved lots--I'll just think of that when I feel myself missing here while I'm back there.
so--happy birthday to me. I'm having coffee and planning exactly what I need to do today before the kiddos get up.
Friday, June 6, 2008
Praise God for...His goodness...
and by that I mean my husband...
Alex arrived home--tired, a bit sick, jet-lagged, stronger and bigger (is that even possible :) ) than when he left--but HOME!
And the hell that has been my life the past 15months has sweetly ended a month or two early.
I almost can't believe he is here. No more worrying for today if he will come home alive. No more panic attacks in the middle of the night...no more lonely sad suck it up and be brave days for a long time. Well, at least for awhile. And that's what I need right now. to treasure these next moments together...as my family is intended to be.
Alex just brings so much happiness to our hearts; to our home. he takes control of things easily, brings order and joy and fun to the kids, and simply adores me...and I've missed that so terribly much.
Adjustments are surely to come, but I don't care. I can handle anything with him at my side. Nothing else matters when you welcome your soldier home. nothing else ...compares to the love, and joy, and thankfulness you feel when you see his smiling face again. when you see your sweet babies overwhelmed with happiness to be in his arms...to trail at his feet, and not have him leave their sides...just to be in his presence again...to wake up and find him in our home, to hear his voice, to know that he is safe....there are so many words that I can think of; but none that really truly explain how it all feels. the insane emotions...
my heart feels whole again.
Thank you Lord for making this all possible.
(pictures to follow)
and by that I mean my husband...
Alex arrived home--tired, a bit sick, jet-lagged, stronger and bigger (is that even possible :) ) than when he left--but HOME!
And the hell that has been my life the past 15months has sweetly ended a month or two early.
I almost can't believe he is here. No more worrying for today if he will come home alive. No more panic attacks in the middle of the night...no more lonely sad suck it up and be brave days for a long time. Well, at least for awhile. And that's what I need right now. to treasure these next moments together...as my family is intended to be.
Alex just brings so much happiness to our hearts; to our home. he takes control of things easily, brings order and joy and fun to the kids, and simply adores me...and I've missed that so terribly much.
Adjustments are surely to come, but I don't care. I can handle anything with him at my side. Nothing else matters when you welcome your soldier home. nothing else ...compares to the love, and joy, and thankfulness you feel when you see his smiling face again. when you see your sweet babies overwhelmed with happiness to be in his arms...to trail at his feet, and not have him leave their sides...just to be in his presence again...to wake up and find him in our home, to hear his voice, to know that he is safe....there are so many words that I can think of; but none that really truly explain how it all feels. the insane emotions...
my heart feels whole again.
Thank you Lord for making this all possible.
(pictures to follow)
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
still waiting...reading and not cleaning
this is hard sitting here waiting. so much i could be doing. but i cannot do a dang thing.my mind is too excited and tired and ready...so im sitting here just screwing off. no, the carpets will not be clean, who was i kidding? i don't have that kind of energy today of all days. i guess i can do small things, that will fill the time. clean up breakfast dishes, clean off the computer table. put a table cloth on the dining table. sweep off the cobwebs on the porch. clean out the truck. waiting just sucks. i'm not so good at it.
the thing is --its also raining---the dark gloomy non stop rain, so that just put a huge nasty cloud on my day. i don't want the rain affecting my mood. i certainly don't want it ruining my hair. we've spoke of the hair issues i don't even want to go there today. see...
waiting puts me in a weird mood.
*new subject:
i've been reading THE HOST ...i bought it cause i loved the other stephanie m. books, and this one was huge and it looked like just the thing to get me through these last days of waiting...its been hard at first to get into it, like i did the Twilight series. not that i was into vampires by any means, but like the masses, i loved those books. and after reading them decided that good, handsome, beautiful vampires-- the kind that only eat on wild animals, and fall in love with regular girls and boys are okay with me. we could be friends even.
but this Host book. i dunno. so far its about this soul named wanderer that gets implanted into this girl melanie and the soul is suppose to take over the girls body, but instead the girls mind and soul is still there--and talks to the soul and drives the soul crazy with all her thoughts and memories of her life. honestly, if someone would have said this story to me i would have laughed and said, uh yeah right, sounds great --i won't be reading that one. but i couldn't sleep last night and so i stayed up reading some more, and of course it got to me finally. there is a love story in there somewhere and THAT is what does it for me. i am a total sucker for a love story...even if it involves implanted souls in the brains of human hosts. i'm serious, cause its silly that i'm even reading this, i don't go for sciencefictiony stuff... but here i am ...excited to see what happens next...about to go sit with my coffee and keep reading, ignoring the cleaning i thought i wanted to get done.
i really love to read. it has been one of the great joys of my life. i got my degree in english, just so i could read all the time...i'm not the kind of girl who reads nonfiction books--not by choice...well only sometimes if its really needed, like to inspire me or help me with all of my issues. i need me a good story, the kind that you can get lost in, where amazing and heartbreaking things happen to everyone, the kind where you imagine yourself as the characters...or meet people that would never enter your daily life. ive fallen in love with cowboys, traveled to far off places...been apart of a witches community...you name it...so many good stories to fill my mind and take me away. not that i need to be 'taken away' but the days of being a stay at home mommy just run into each other. and how else am i to go on all these adventures in the middle of cooking dinner and helping with homework??? the one funny thing about my bad memory and all my reading, is once i'm finished with my book, i can hardly remember the name of it...its almost like i use them for their stories and move on without a back glance...which i'm not proud of, but it happens almost every time....
off to wait some more. and not clean up; but think about doing it later...
and see whats happening with the soul wanderer and her host melanie... and maybe clean up after ive read some more.
this is hard sitting here waiting. so much i could be doing. but i cannot do a dang thing.my mind is too excited and tired and ready...so im sitting here just screwing off. no, the carpets will not be clean, who was i kidding? i don't have that kind of energy today of all days. i guess i can do small things, that will fill the time. clean up breakfast dishes, clean off the computer table. put a table cloth on the dining table. sweep off the cobwebs on the porch. clean out the truck. waiting just sucks. i'm not so good at it.
the thing is --its also raining---the dark gloomy non stop rain, so that just put a huge nasty cloud on my day. i don't want the rain affecting my mood. i certainly don't want it ruining my hair. we've spoke of the hair issues i don't even want to go there today. see...
waiting puts me in a weird mood.
*new subject:
i've been reading THE HOST ...i bought it cause i loved the other stephanie m. books, and this one was huge and it looked like just the thing to get me through these last days of waiting...its been hard at first to get into it, like i did the Twilight series. not that i was into vampires by any means, but like the masses, i loved those books. and after reading them decided that good, handsome, beautiful vampires-- the kind that only eat on wild animals, and fall in love with regular girls and boys are okay with me. we could be friends even.
but this Host book. i dunno. so far its about this soul named wanderer that gets implanted into this girl melanie and the soul is suppose to take over the girls body, but instead the girls mind and soul is still there--and talks to the soul and drives the soul crazy with all her thoughts and memories of her life. honestly, if someone would have said this story to me i would have laughed and said, uh yeah right, sounds great --i won't be reading that one. but i couldn't sleep last night and so i stayed up reading some more, and of course it got to me finally. there is a love story in there somewhere and THAT is what does it for me. i am a total sucker for a love story...even if it involves implanted souls in the brains of human hosts. i'm serious, cause its silly that i'm even reading this, i don't go for sciencefictiony stuff... but here i am ...excited to see what happens next...about to go sit with my coffee and keep reading, ignoring the cleaning i thought i wanted to get done.
i really love to read. it has been one of the great joys of my life. i got my degree in english, just so i could read all the time...i'm not the kind of girl who reads nonfiction books--not by choice...well only sometimes if its really needed, like to inspire me or help me with all of my issues. i need me a good story, the kind that you can get lost in, where amazing and heartbreaking things happen to everyone, the kind where you imagine yourself as the characters...or meet people that would never enter your daily life. ive fallen in love with cowboys, traveled to far off places...been apart of a witches community...you name it...so many good stories to fill my mind and take me away. not that i need to be 'taken away' but the days of being a stay at home mommy just run into each other. and how else am i to go on all these adventures in the middle of cooking dinner and helping with homework??? the one funny thing about my bad memory and all my reading, is once i'm finished with my book, i can hardly remember the name of it...its almost like i use them for their stories and move on without a back glance...which i'm not proud of, but it happens almost every time....
off to wait some more. and not clean up; but think about doing it later...
and see whats happening with the soul wanderer and her host melanie... and maybe clean up after ive read some more.
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Ok....mine is the bottom right guy...not the most attractive picture...of my man cramped into a military plane...sweating like crazy....his annoyed face in full throttle...
but this is good news for us...Im overwhelmed with excitment and all kinds of other feelings. It cannot happen soon enough...
so. very. soon.
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