Today is Memorial Day.
I don't know a lot about my relatives or past generations who may have fought in previous wars. The only time I really thought about those wars was when I was in school studying any of it, whether that be when I was young or in college.
But I do currently have my own soldier, who has fought in a war...a couple of times, the past few years. All I know to say is that I am proud of him, for his sacrifices, for his honor to our country, for his strength to care for and lead his soldiers the way he does. For how smart he is in the job he does. For his dedication to the Army, and his job, and our country.
When he left this past time, we made arrangements for him to be buried in the Arlington National Cemetery if the need arise...you have to take care of such things when wars and soldiers are involved you know? At first I did not want him there, I felt it didn't have a connection to "us" our family. I didn't really understand why he would want such a thing. I would want him in a cemetery close to us somewhere so we could visit his grave. Well, after talking to him, I realized what an honor it would be for him to be laid to rest with other brave soldiers in a historic place. It would bestow great honor on his leaving this earth as has the job he has had. I get it now. I hope to God, and pray every day I never have to deal with these things. But I am proud of him for all of it. If Alex was not a soldier, I don't think my understanding of wars, and the sacrifices would be fully understood. It would all feel like something I see on the news, or have read about in books; but instead, we as a family are living it everyday. So, today as my children and I pause for prayer and remembrance of all those fallen, we also take a moment to pray and remember our own soldier, our daddy and husband who will be -God willing- with us again very soon.
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