the kids went back to school this week. i went back to creating, cleaning...and a little more calm. :)
we had a long good summer. busy, but good busy. i am glad its back to school. i've always loved the routine that school gives our days in the fall, it is usually very needed after the chaos of summer days. so far- we have all been able to get up and out the door without any problems. so happy about that. :)
i really hope my kids have a good school year. Logan is in 5th grade and the girls are in 7th & 8th. our last year with an elementary schl kid. next year i will have 2 middle schoolers and a highschooler. jeez. it amazes me that my children get older each year. there are moments when i look at them, and instead of seeing these tweens, and teen...i am seeing their baby or toddler faces....and so i just can't understand how that sweet baby could be gone to yearbook camp, or playing guitar, or wrestling some kid at mma...
i am so happy that i still get to stay at home with them and cherish all these moments. we have more than enough drama, but i feel so blessed to be a part of the routine of their every day lives.
i took a pic of each of them as they slipped out the door on their first day back to school...happy shiny faces all around.
and here are a few cards i have worked on recently. and more to come. i have promised myself at least an hour of creating time each day once i get my cleaning done. so far i've kept up with both-- i love when that happens. :)