Tuesday, April 29, 2008

some going ons.

Logan turned 8 on Sunday!!!! EIGHT!!! I can't believe my baby son is now so big. What a guy! He is still the sweetest and most thoughtful little boy. He makes me so proud. He has such a kind and good heart. His wife will cherish that in him one day. He is still into dogs more than anything, as you can see in the newest dog themed jammies--a must have. Video games, little super heroes, all those marvel characters to collect and battle all over the house.

We had a nice day with Logan, and he even got to talk (well instant message at least) to his dad on the computer--almost perfect. :)

Logan was home sick last week, and I'm afraid I've caught his cold, so head stuffiness and fevers for me. No fun there. The girls are fine, normal stuff with them. They are still taking WASL tests this week, so that's a little nerve racking for them. I've noticed Camille really studying for anything she's not so sure about, and well Isabelle--yeah not so much. They both get pretty much straight A's in school --I think they both got a B in math this last time. So I'm really not concerned; my kids are pretty much on the ball when it comes to their school work. Thank goodness for that.

Preparing the house to sell and move is such a big project. It is consuming my every waking moment....or at least my mind. Which is darn annoying I must say. Right now I'm trying to go through each room and get rid of stuff we don't need or want or isn't working. We seem to have LOTS of stuff, so it'll take a while. I am also trying to de-clutter so our home looks simple, for selling. Which means lots of piles to put in containers for the garage. Its a lot of work. I don't recommend doing it alone...its sucks.
I was pretty much on instant freak out trying to start the selling process on my own, so that part will wait for the man-- definitely. Too much for me at this time. So, I'll be getting stuff ready--which really is an even harder job. Of course. Basically it all sucks, but we have goals and they must be met soon, so I'm pressing on...
Nothing creative going on here. I opened up a Story Of My Own kit and left it on my desk. So I'm taking a few minutes here and there to make some simple scrapbook pages. I'm a slow scrapper. And then I start a page and don't know what else to do, so I just sorta throw it together. Usually not all that happy with it, but its another memory or story for our album, and as quick as I'm losing my memories, its better this way in the long run!!!!

I got a new haircut again. Nothing like cutting your hair, when your really trying to lose weight. Instant skinny. At least that's how I feel, so really that's what counts, right???

I'll throw in a pic of my new do, if I can find a decent one. I am not photogenic, and to add to that, I'm also not a good photographer, or photoshopist (not a word I know)..so beware of any photos on this blog. It is my sorry attempt at everything. But like I've said before; I do try.
Oh, the photo of my three silly ones, is them back in March, at their retreat at St. Michaels. This was right before their full initaition into the Catholic Church, which happened on the Easter Vigil. I'll one day upload those photos to share as well. On one of my many to do lists.
Hope everyone has a great week. And I hope I am not sick at the end of it! --or the girls. No more sick germs in this house please, and thank you.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

trying to keep up

First off-- go number three!!!!
Logan is playing soccer this spring. He is very new to the game, and is learning and improving with each practice and game. He is also having fun--and not having fits about going--and that is the most at this point that I can ask for.
what else??
I am in the process of re-creating some things in my life. Like my relationship with my children, its been pretty strained the past...oh 13-14 months and I am trying my best, but sometimes things just plain suck. So I am really trying to focus on positive sweet things. Very hard.
I also am trying to create my life in a way that I am proud of myself. Not there yet either, but working towards something is better than sitting back and feeling sad and pissed all the time.
Lots of changes are gonna be happening soon to our family, so there's been a lot of figuring that all out. The end results will be positive--we hope, its just surviving this point and getting to the next that is the struggle.
Good grief, let's see what else am I working on?
An exercise routine ...doing good for a few days and then WHAM--I suck.
I only have a goal of about 10 pounds to lose to feel better and happier, but man it is very hard to lose 10 pounds, especially when it takes actual hard work to achieve that. I lose a few, feel all "skinny" and then gain it right back. I've never had weight issues, Ive always been under 120 pounds that's been my heaviest ever... (besides being pregnant we wont even GO there), but this is so crazy. I hate this extra 10...okay maybe even 12 to 15 depending on the day...
I hate it and it needs to just take up residence somewhere else!!!
anyways....its probably not the best to have so many things to work on and re-create in my life...but I wanted to start over and change some things, all at once so at some point its ALL GOOD. I'm finding this harder than I thought, but a slow progression is good too.
Soon, a certain someone will be home and I think all the struggles of my life will fall back and everything will be the normal crazy instead of this lame almost intolerable crazy! :)
We'll see.
For now I have a house to clean, kids to put to bed, some Oprah's to catch up on...and probably a bunch of other things I'll eventually remember I should have done.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

blog loser

Yup-- that's me.

It's a good thing I haven't actually told anyone I started this little project. So no one but me knows that I'm a blog loser!!

Life is just keeping me busier than I ever thought. And I don't have time for everything I'd like to do. And then of course I forget...

Above are some pictures of the journals and books I keep. One to journal daily thoughts, dreams, wishes, and to scream in quiet. One to record decorating ideas I might like to use one day. One to make lists of things that need to be done on any given day. Another one to keep track of all the creative projects I have done, or want to do someday.
I realize that one thing I LOVE to do is decorate a new book, even if I have no reason for it. Sometimes a fresh cover is the spark I need for the day, and that's all it is really. And I'm okay with that.
I like having all of these books around me. I usually take one along where ever I go. I just often have so much jumbled in my head, that I need these books to give me peace and a little perspective...or even a little release from the thoughts that surround me. Or even to remember what I'm doing. I have been having some crazy memory issues lately. :(
Since I've taken this photo, I've even created a new little book called "create". In this one, I am working on creating myself and my life into what I want and imagine it to be. I am recording my workout times, and battle with weight issues (or the just plain laziness of it all ), and I am keeping track of making a point to do something creative just for me each day.
It almost seems I have too much time on my hands with all these books-- But I really like them, and need them. So, that's that for today!